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Gregor Schmidt


Areal am Kronenrain / MONO Architekten

Areal am Kronenrain  / MONO Architekten - More Images+ 19

Neuenburg am Rhein, Germany

Leubinger Fürstenhügel Service Station / MONO Architekten

Leubinger Fürstenhügel Service Station / MONO Architekten - More Images+ 17

How to Design Schools and Interiors Based on Waldorf Pedagogy

Introduced by Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf pedagogy draws on the principles of anthroposophical philosophy. One of the theory's foundational characteristics is its holistic approach to the human being: feelings, imagination, spirit, and intellect are considered unique to every individual, and thoughts, feelings, and actions are understood to always be linked.

Thus, the focus of the philosophy is to cultivate individuals who are capable of relating both to themselves and to society (inter and intrapersonal intelligence) - fundamental skills for overcoming the challenges of the 21st century. This kind of learning takes place in schools that follow Steiner's method, introducing families to the school environment and bringing them into the community. Below, we review the operations and implications of this pedagogy. 

How to Design Schools and Interiors Based on Waldorf Pedagogy - More Images+ 14