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Frank Herfort


15 Bars That Combine Texture, Lighting, and Materials to Perfection

15 Bars That Combine Texture, Lighting, and Materials to Perfection - More Images+ 11

Bars are the perfect meeting place to finish the day in the company of friends and a few drinks. The relaxed atmosphere and lighting allow intimate discussions around tables, while the social butterflies can instead meet around the focal element of the space, the bar.

The atmosphere provoked by the mixture of textures, smells, materials, and darkness—ideally accompanied by a cocktail menu—is an essential component in helping us find our favorite watering holes. Read on for a selection of 15 incredible examples of this typology, with images by prominent photographers such as Frank Herfort, Serena Eller Vanicher, and Yann Deret.

Holy Fox Café / Mikhail Kozlov

Holy Fox Café / Mikhail Kozlov - More Images+ 10

  • Architects: Mikhail Kozlov
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  170
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2014