Fontys Hogescholen's Rachelsmolen Campus / Barcode Architects + Nudus + Hollandse Nieuwe + OKRA

Architects: Barcode Architects, Hollandse Nieuwe, Nudus, OKRA
- Area: 24000 m²
- Year: 2024
https://www.archdaily.com/1014875/fontys-hogescholens-rachelsmolen-campus-barcode-architects-plus-nudus-plus-hollandse-nieuwe-plus-okraPaula Pintos
Booking.com City Campus / UNStudio

Architects: UNStudio
- Year: 2023
Manufacturers: Hunter Douglas Architectural (Europe), Kone, Sorba
https://www.archdaily.com/1003253/bookinom-city-campus-unstudio-plus-hofmandujardinPaula Pintos
Leolux Experience Center / i29 interior architects

Architects: i29 interior architects
- Area: 3500 m²
- Year: 2023
Manufacturers: Leolux
https://www.archdaily.com/997300/leolux-experience-center-i29Paula Pintos
The West Residence Club / Concrete
https://www.archdaily.com/986919/the-west-residence-club-concretePaula Pintos
Kitchen Organization: Different Materials for Your Worktop

Kitchens as we know them today have functionality as their main feature and for that their space was historically organized from an industrial logic. The development of home appliances and the precise definition of the layout guarantee a functional floor plan and the optimization of work in the kitchen. As part of this layout we find the worktops, horizontal half-height surfaces that have multiple uses and, therefore, many possible configurations.
https://www.archdaily.com/980640/kitchen-organization-different-materials-for-your-worktopGiovana Martino
Canal House Amsterdam / i29 interior architects

Architects: i29 interior architects
- Area: 115 m²
Professionals: i29, Kodde, G.K. Visbeen & Co., Schneider Interieurbouw
https://www.archdaily.com/975877/canal-house-amsterdam-i29Andreas Luco
Ninetynine Office / Ninetynine

Architects: Ninetynine
- Area: 75 m²
- Year: 2019
Manufacturers: &Tradition, Aeron, Forbo, Formakami, Hermann Miller, +2
Professionals: Roord Binnenbouw
https://www.archdaily.com/947154/ninetynine-office-ninetyninePaula Pintos
Bonnefanten Museum Maastricht Workspace / Hollandse Nieuwe

Architects: Hollandse Nieuwe
- Area: 750 m²
- Year: 2019
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, Enscape, Desque, Trimble Navigation
https://www.archdaily.com/947268/bonnefanten-museum-maastricht-workspace-hollandse-nieuwePilar Caballero
House of Dentons / Studio Prototype + DZAP

Architects: DZAP, Studio Prototype
- Area: 6500 m²
- Year: 2020
Manufacturers: Hunter Douglas Architectural (Europe), Arco, Artisan, Bureau Vandervorm, Creafort, +11
https://www.archdaily.com/946477/house-of-dentons-studio-prototypeValeria Silva
Klaprozenweg Municipality of Amsterdam / Hollandse Nieuwe

Architects: Hollandse Nieuwe
- Area: 1650 m²
- Year: 2019
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Arpa Fenix , Dekodur, +7
https://www.archdaily.com/943466/klaprozenweg-municipality-of-amsterdam-hollandse-nieuwePilar Caballero
VanMoof Brand Store / Ninetynine

Architects: Ninetynine
- Area: 175 m²
- Year: 2020
Professionals: PRJCT WRKS, Stapelbroek
https://www.archdaily.com/944338/vanmoof-brand-store-ninetynineAndreas Luco
Naturalis Biodiversity Center / Hollandse Nieuwe

Architects: Hollandse Nieuwe
- Area: 4000 m²
- Year: 2019
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Frits de Jong, Ginkelgroep, +5
https://www.archdaily.com/943502/naturalis-biodiversity-center-hollandse-nieuwePilar Caballero
Aidsfonds SoaAids Netherlands Offices / Hollandse Nieuwe

Architects: Hollandse Nieuwe
- Area: 1400 m²
- Year: 2020
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Chaos Group, PFLEIDERER, Abet Laminati, Adobe, +8
Professionals: Premiumbouw, Premium Bouw
https://www.archdaily.com/941856/aidsfonds-soaaids-netherlands-offices-hollandse-nieuweAndreas Luco
Felix Meritis Interior Renovation / i29 interior architects

Architects: i29 interior architects
- Area: 4500 m²
- Year: 2020
Manufacturers: JUNG, Saint-Gobain, iGuzzini, Asona, Bolon, +13
Professionals: SID Studio, Lichtconsult Koen Smits, Mega Elektra, Peuts, Level Acoustics, +2
https://www.archdaily.com/938550/felix-meritis-interior-renovation-i29Andreas Luco
Restaurant Felix / i29 interior architects

Architects: i29 interior architects
- Area: 300 m²
- Year: 2020
Manufacturers: PFLEIDERER, Vectorworks, Saint-Gobain, Belen & i29, Hi-Macs, +6
https://www.archdaily.com/932685/restaurant-felix-i29-interior-architectsPilar Caballero