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Evan Joseph


One Domino Square / Selldorf Architects + dencityworks Architecture

One Domino Square / Selldorf Architects + dencityworks Architecture - More Images+ 24

512GW Townhouse / Archi-Tectonics

512GW Townhouse / Archi-Tectonics - Exterior Photography, Apartments
© Evan Joseph

512GW Townhouse / Archi-Tectonics - More Images+ 26

The Modern Residential Towers / Elkus Manfredi Architects

The Modern Residential Towers / Elkus Manfredi Architects - More Images+ 14

111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out

Centered over Central Park in Midtown Manhattan, 111 West 57th Street, the second tallest residential building in the Western Hemisphere has topped out at 1,428 feet. Designed by SHoP Architects with interior architecture by Studio Sofield, the tower is considered the most slender skyscraper in the world.

111 West 57th Street, most Slender Skyscraper in the World Tops Out  - More Images+ 8

Pierhouse & 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge / Marvel Architects + INC Architecture & Design

Pierhouse & 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge / Marvel Architects + INC Architecture & Design - More Images+ 29

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  621138 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Sherwin-Williams, Zurn, Abet Laminati, Accurate, Acor, +21

Interview with Enrique Norten: "Architecture is Not a Competition of Strange Objects"

Founded in 1986 in Mexico City, Enrique Norten's practice TEN Arquitectos is not known for a signature style, preferring to make each project a modernist-infused response to its own specific conditions. Nonetheless, they have become one of the most widely-recognized architectural practices emerging from Mexico, with projects throughout North America. In the latest interview in his "City of Ideas" column, Vladimir Belogolovsky speaks with Norten in New York to find out how the architect's past has influenced his current design work, and to discuss the future trajectory of architecture.

Interview with Enrique Norten: Architecture is Not a Competition of Strange Objects - More Images+ 18

Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle

Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - More Images+ 11

  • Architects: Neiheiser & Valle
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  640 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Clinton Park / TEN Arquitectos

Clinton Park / TEN Arquitectos - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: TEN Arquitectos
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  120
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

459 West 18th Street / Della Valle + Bernheimer

459 West 18th Street / Della Valle + Bernheimer - More Images+ 7