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Cyrus Cornut


Canopy Michelin Headquarters Reception Area / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes

Canopy Michelin Headquarters Reception Area  / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes - More Images+ 30

Clermont-Ferrand, France

Material Passports: How Embedded Data Can Rethink Architecture and Design

Too often buildings end up as waste at the end of their lifecycle. How can the built environment move towards a circular economy, and in turn, reimagine how valuable materials are tracked and recycled? Looking to address this issue, material passports are one idea that involves rethinking how materials are recovered during renovation and demolition for reuse. The result is when a building is ready to be demolished, it becomes a storage bank for useful materials.

Material Passports: How Embedded Data Can Rethink Architecture and Design - More Images+ 2

Pratgraussals Events Hall / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes + PPA architectures

Pratgraussals Events Hall / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes + PPA architectures - More Images+ 21

The Circular Pavilion / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes

The Circular Pavilion / ENCORE HEUREUX Architectes - More Images+ 12

Paris, France

Suresnes Museum of Urban and Social History / Encore Heureux, AAVP

Suresnes Museum of Urban and Social History / Encore Heureux, AAVP - More Images+ 20