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Christoph Panzer


Black Beauty House M / Backraum Architektur

Black Beauty  House M / Backraum Architektur - More Images+ 33

Bad Waltersdorf, Austria

Office Building Rathausstraße 1 / Schuberth und Schuberth + Stadler Prenn + Ostertag

Office Building Rathausstraße 1 / Schuberth und Schuberth + Stadler Prenn + Ostertag - More Images+ 27

Architecture and Color: Explore 15 Projects that Feature Exterior Red Staircases

Stairs are often an inevitable part of a building's DNA. Nowadays, staircases not only serve the function of practicality but are also a showcase of their own kind, especially if paired with a color that is guaranteed to grab attention. Among warm colors, red is considered to be the most powerful one. On one hand, it evokes feelings of joy and energy, and on the other, feelings of alertness and danger. Red can stimulate a whole range of emotions. Therefore, its usage should be attentive, delicate, and thought out.

Architecture and Color: Explore 15 Projects that Feature Exterior Red Staircases - More Images+ 49

Summer Cottage Pötzleinsdorf / Schuberth und Schuberth

Summer Cottage  Pötzleinsdorf / Schuberth und Schuberth - More Images+ 13

Wienerwald, Austria