PAF House / Fernán Olarte Pinto / OG Arquitectura & Construcción
St Mary's Calne Library / Woods Bagot
Architects: Woods Bagot
- Area: 660 m²
- Year: 2020
Manufacturers: Parklex Prodema, Aktiva, Allgood, Bolon, Gilberts, +4
Barigui Playground / Antonio Abrão Arquitetura
Architects: Antonio Abrão Arquitetura
- Area: 1000 m²
- Year: 2022
Manufacturers: Fitz Roy, METALCO, Moving Play, Paradome, Rubber
Family House Polánka / CL3 studio
Architects: CL3 studio
- Area: 295 m²
- Year: 2021
Professionals: ATEH lighting
ArchDaily’s Readers Select Who Should Win the 2023 Pritzker Prize
As part of our yearly tradition, we have asked our readers who should win the 2023 Pritzker Prize, the most important award in the field of architecture.
For those who don't know, the Pritzker Prize is funded by Jay Pritzker through the Hyatt Foundation in the United States and has been awarded to living architects, regardless of their nationality, whose built work "has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity through the art of architecture."
The Bathroom as a Source of New Energy: AXOR x Hadi Teherani
Hadi Teherani approaches his architecture and design projects holistically. Born in Teheran and raised in Hamburg, he is a prolific and versatile designer whose works can be found in Germany and all over the world. His projects have been recognized with internationally renowned awards for their ecologically-sound sustainability and holistic approach. Maybe that’s the reason for his constant stream of ideas: he sees the process of creation as a reaction to what he sees, senses and feels.
Designing from personal perception and inspiration, Teherani's bathroom concept for the AXOR DISTINCTIVE project was born. When asked by the brand how he would define his very personal “bathroom with personality”, the architect answered with a design that reflects an individual idea of this space, derived from this self-image — in its daily use, its design and its furnishing.
Love pt. II Sports Facilities / Label Architecture
Architects: Label Architecture
- Year: 2021
Toronto's 9th Annual Winter Stations Reveals Eight Winners at the Woodbine Beach
The 2023 Winter Stations has just announced eight winning projects for their 9th annual international competition. The winners were chosen from hundreds of entries from around the world, along with three student designs from Toronto Metropolitan University, Waterloo Department of Architecture, and Guelph University. The competition was first launched at Woodbine beach by RAW design, Ferris + Associates, and Curio, to capture the imagination of designers and architects to create bold designs that spark conversation, transforming lifeguard stations at Toronto’s Woodbine beach. Furthermore, since these lifeguard stations are usually dormant throughout the winter, the exhibition inspires artists to bring the public back outdoors with their unique designs.
Architecture Classics: 500 Club / Oscar Niemeyer
The banker Orozimbo Roxo Loureiro created the 500 Club in the early 1950s. It followed the lines of the former 200 Club, founded by President Washington Luís to bring together influential politicians and businessmen away from the spotlight of capital cities. The initial idea of a social club did not prosper, and Orozimbo decided to develop a commercial and tourist enterprise in the area, which is well positioned between the two largest Brazilian cities.
LAB House / Studio Arthur Casas
Habitable Module IWI / Juan Ruiz + Amelia Tapia
Upcycling Polycarbonate: Trapezoidal and Corrugated Sheets from Waste
Sustainability needs to go further beyond inspiring speeches and promises, with visible, concrete actions. In order to see this change, it is essential for individuals, companies and governments to take responsibility and act in a sustainable manner in their daily lives and practices. By taking into account the environmental and social impacts of their decisions and seeking more conscious and responsible alternatives, they can take steps to ensure a sustainable future for the next generations. In the construction industry this is even more urgent. Responsible for a large amount of solid waste and greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential for this industry to adopt sustainable practices, such as recycling, to minimize environmental impacts.
However, even though product recycling processes have significantly advanced in recent years, there are still certain challenges associated with the use of recycled materials. This is due to a variety of factors, such as performance and durability, or even due to the difficulty of obtaining suitable raw materials. But there are also successful examples that show the possibilities of recycled materials.
NAVER 1784 Canteen & Cafe / Betwin Space Design
Architects: Betwin Space Design
- Area: 2656 m²
- Year: 2021
Professionals: Betwin Space Design
PULO Market / A9A rchitects
Architects: A9A rchitects
- Area: 4200 m²
- Year: 2022