Exterior -
Terraces, gardens, restaurants, hotels -
Weatherproof, energy-efficient, thermal regulation
1 Product File
1 Product File
Strugal ST Libertia Plus is a bioclimatic pergola whose innovative design is intended to provide shade and regulate the temperature of the outdoor area. The louvers can be rotated and stopped in a certain position, allowing them to regulate the desired amount of light at any given moment.
Thanks to this innovative system from Strugal, the temperature is controlled, allowing you to enjoy any outdoor area regardless of the weather. The possibility of turning the louvers also avoids the greenhouse effect, since the air is constantly being renewed, preventing the heat from accumulating.
The rotating slats are also watertight so that when it rains or snows, they can continue to be used. In addition, it has a drainage system that prevents water from falling when the louvers are reopened.
The installation of Strugal ST Libertia Plus favors energy savings by providing shade and cooling the exterior, which regulates the temperature inside the house. LED lighting can be incorporated, creating different atmospheres to enjoy the space at different times.
Types of Installation