Steel profile system, facade, exterior -
Cultural, public space -
Thermal insulation, fabricated to specification
16 General Catalogs
16 General Catalogs
Over several construction phases, the St. Jakobshalle in Basel was renovated in terms of energy efficiency and safety and restructured in terms of visitor flow. The six-and-a-half metre-high, cantilevered glass façade of the new foyer is a project-specific special construction made from steel profiles with excellent structural properties from the Jansen VISS system.
Together with the façade fabricator, Ziltener AG from Aarau, and the architects, the experts from Jansen came up with a clever solution: two profiles which can slide into one another that also absorb and convey the movements of the ceiling. Double weatherstrip lips ensure a wind, weather and water-tight seal for the loose construction. “The building is of the quality expected for the transformation it has undergone in previous years”, says Jürg Berrel from the architects consortium, adding, “It was a joy to work on this project."