Balcony glazing -
Residential, commercial, patios -
Full transparency, sound insulation, weather resistant, optional height adjustment, controlled ventilation, easy-to-operate, maintenance-free
2 Product Files
2 Product Files
Less profile, more soundproofing: Solarlux Proline T is the new generation of simple, all-glass shells for balconies and façades. The elements’ user-friendly functionality is based on the slide-and-turn principle whereby each glass element moves within both an upper and lower track and can be turned 90° outwards or slid to the side.
The glass elements are simply set to the side as a narrow packet. This enables the exterior glass shell to be opened nearly completely. The soundproofing class with an Rw value of approximately 30 dB is achieved specifically by the choice of glass thickness and other equipment options.
The profile height of the Proline T slide-and-turn system is only 39 mm, approximately a one-third reduction compared to the forerunner system. It can be fitted with tempered glass panes from 6 to 12 m thick and offers outstanding construction values.