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Holophane Catalog

Located in Granville, Ohio, Holophane has been the leader in lighting solutions for more than a century. The company provides lighting systems for commercial, industrial, emergency and outdoor applications. The hallmark of Holophane luminaires is the borosilicate glass reflector/refractor. The glass prisms provide a combination of uplight and downlight to illuminate any environment evenly without creating dark spots or glare.

Holophane luminaires are made for longevity and performance. In most applications, fewer luminaires can be used to do the job than if competitive fixtures are specified. Energy saving ballasts assure greater light output from the lamp over a longer period of time, which translates into reduced operating and maintenance costs.

Holophane has the resources, expertise and flexibility to meet all of your lighting needs. We offer not only our standard product line but custom luminaires and poles for indoor and outdoor applications.


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