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Gala Systems Catalog

Gala Systems is leading the understage industry and the venue transformation since 1980, providing integrated electro mechanical systems to automatically reconfigure public assembly and performance spaces.

Using the Spiralift®, the world’s most compact lifting system, Gala Systems has now completed more than 1,650 projects in 65 countries with installations including orchestra lifts, seating wagon systems, theatre stage lifts, scenery lifts and piano lifts for theatres, auditoriums, concert halls, casinos and multipurpose venues.

In addition, our products include seating risers, table lifts and stage risers, orchestra podiums and chorus risers for concert stages. Also, the GALA VENUE® technology allows the reconfiguration of moving floor systems as well as the fully automated storage of seats for multipurpose configurations.

Our experienced engineers, innovative technology and customer service support respond to your needs through all phases of construction or renovation projects.


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