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Reynolds Polymer Technology Catalog

Reynolds Polymer Technology, Inc. started out as a division of a larger company in the early 1980s, with our focus being entirely on manufacturing aquarium windows and developing the capabilities of acrylic. The success of these efforts allowed us to set out on our own and RPT was incorporated in May 1987. Over the following years our cutting-edge product offerings expanded greatly to include the scientific, medical, and architectural industries. By 1992, RPT outgrew the original California location and decided to move to a 75,000 ft² facility in Grand Junction, Colorado. A growing Asian aquarium construction market then demanded the opening of our 43,700 ft² Thailand facility in 2000. A second, 33,000 ft² Thai plant was opened in 2013.

Over the past 25 years, Reynolds Polymer Technology, Inc. has been expanding and strengthening its presence in the highly engineered acrylic and polymer material market. Our adaptation to changing market conditions and our drive to constantly develop new and better products has propelled us into what we are today—the industry's leading acrylic and polymer material designers and builders. Millions see our work across the globe each year, from the largest aquarium windows in existence to private architectural glass and wall features.


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