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Ramzi Naja


The New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon

Context in architecture has become a subject bloated with discussion and debate over the years. And, as a matter of fact, it has come to matter very little in its formal and typological sense. Take, for instance, the fluid forms that compose Zaha Hadid’s hundreds of projects around the world, or Frank Gehry’s exploding compositions seen from South America to the unmistakable Guggenheim in Bilbao. The form architecture takes in these cases, and countless others, is in itself a deliberate disregard towards context in its literal sense.

But is this disregard for context a mistake? Observers would often say so, though I would like to disagree. It has become frequent that projects like these, largely formal and not politely accommodating their historic surrounding, actually take greater interest in social urban issues that have a direct impact on the city dwellers. Quite simply, successful architecture today is one that serves society culturally and practically, addressing tangible problems of 21st century cities and dealing with context in a solution-oriented manner, going beyond aesthetics (whose value is only temporary) and into future-invested urbanism. Case-in-point? My hometown: Beirut, Lebanon.

The New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon - Educational ArchitectureThe New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon - Educational ArchitectureThe New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon - Educational ArchitectureThe New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon - Educational ArchitectureThe New 'Context' in Architecture: Learning From Lebanon - More Images+ 7