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Pauline Panetta

Pauline is a researcher interested in art, politics and urban issues. Her work for Copenhagen Architecture Festival focuses on non-discriminatory design and interdisciplinarity.


Inclusivity and the Character of a City: An Interview with Saimir Kristo

In January 2023, Copenhagen Architecture Festival carried out a film and architecture workshop in collaboration with Barleti University and Tirana Architecture Triennale, exploring inclusivity in Albania’s capital city. In this interview, professor Saimir Kristo shares his thoughts about his booming city and the potential of film to narrate its true character.

"Can I Get A Roof Over My Head, Please?": An Interview With Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne

ArchDaily and Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx) interviewed project partner Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne from Emergency Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR) on film, architecture and inclusive design.

Where Does Inclusive Design Meet Film? Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx) Launches Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind

The world’s biggest social challenges are reflected in the way we design our spaces. Privatization of public space, lack of affordable housing, dark design and spatial segregation are just some of the most common causes and manifestations of urban inequality that characterize contemporary cities. While holding the potential to reproduce these inequalities, inscribing them further into space, design can also work to oppose discrimination, propelling equity and inclusion.