María Clara Falquez

Architect from Ecuador, specializing in Bioconstruction, committed to promoting local practices and natural materials. Firmly believing in the power of education and collaboration as the way forward.


The Kul Kul Farm and Bamboo U: Empowering People to Build a Better World with Bamboo

The Kul Kul Farm was born with the purpose of sharing knowledge of how to design, build, grow, make, and create with nature in mind. Promoting values that respect and care for the Earth while strengthening community bonds, the farm has become a beacon of sustainability and connection with the natural environment. In 2015, Maria and Orin started this project with the intention to inspire and empower both local Balinese and tourists to live a life more connected to the natural world. Although they initially promoted their values through permaculture, they soon realized the world was ready and hungry for the knowledge, skill, and inspiration to design homes and spaces connected to nature, and a whole new movement had started to grow in their own backyard—the bamboo movement.