Irina Vinnitskaya


Ptruj Performance Center Competition Winner / Enota

Ptruj Performance Center Competition Winner / Enota - Image 12 of 4
Courtesy of Enota

Enota has been awarded first prize for the renovation of the Dominican Monastary into a Performance Center located in the western most part of the historical center of Ptruj, Slovania on the embankment of the Dvara River.

More images and description after the break.

Eco-turistical Center Competition Proposal / HAY! tráfico workshop

Eco-turistical Center Competition Proposal / HAY! tráfico workshop - Image 10 of 4
Courtesy of HAY! tráfico workshop

HAY! tráfico workshop has proposed an Ecoturistical Center along the Zahuapan River in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Composed of four architects: Shamed Austria, Alejandro Heredia, Karla Santana, Lucia Ezeta; the team embarks on the task of reclaiming public spaces in their city and “democratizing” them for public use.

Their proposal is an Eco-turistical Center that physically embodies all of the dimensions of community to serve as public spaces for a wide variety of uses.

More images and proposal description after the break.

IJhal Competition Winner / Wiel Arets Architects

IJhal Competition Winner / Wiel Arets Architects - Image 4 of 4
Courtesy of Wiel Arets Architects

The competition for the IJhal in Amsterdam announced its first place winner, Wiel Arets Architects, on 8 October, 2010. The project will entail the construction of a pedestrian-centric area adjacent to the existing Centraal Station in Amsterdam along the River IJ waterfront.

The new addition will act as a synthesis between Amesterdam North and the rest of the city, which historically has been seperated by the River IJ.

More images and information after the break.