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Gabriel Kogan

Architect and journalist, graduated from the School of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). His research intersects narrative, history, art and design. He has been working at StudioMK27 since 2007 and is a collaborator at the daily newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. His Master thesis (developed at UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands) is an urban narrative about the history of floods in São Paulo. Additional professional experience includes the conception project for the Museum of Mines and Metal by Paulo Mendes da Rocha in 2006 and the organization of the Arte/Cidade by Nelson Brissac in 2005. As a writer, collaborates also with specialized magazines around the world and his texts discuss the legacy of modern architecture. Between 2013 and 2014, Gabriel directed five short films together with Pedro Kok, screened worldwide including ‘Time Space Existence’ exhibition during the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2014.


12 Tips For Making an Outstanding Architecture Portfolio

Getting a job or internship at an architecture firm doesn't only depend on your skills as an architect (or student). The way you present your skills plays an essential role. At a time of great professional competitiveness and with resumes becoming more globalized, assembling a portfolio may seem like a chore and often very involving: Which projects do I list? What personal information do I add? Should I include my academic papers in professional portfolios?

Brazilian architect Gabriel Kogan has shared with us a list of twelve tips on how to build a good architectural portfolio, ranging from graphic design to the type of personal information and content that should be included in your resume. Read his guidelines after the break, and if you have any other tips share them with us in the comments section.