Daniel Elsea

Daniel Elsea is a partner at Allies and Morrison, the architecture and urbanism practice based in London and Cambridge. A graduate of Williams College and the University of Oxford, he is the co-author of Complex City: London’s Changing Character and has written on architecture, cities, and visual culture for a number of publications, including Art Review and The Wall Street Journal.


It’s Time to Blur the Boundaries Between Town and Gown

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

In London, where I live, there are 23 universities. Those universities make up an institutional population of nearly half a million people. In a city with almost 10 million residents, 5% may seem a small number, but it’s a significant one, roughly the population of Atlanta. Shrink the city, and the proportion can increase dramatically. In our neighbouring cities of Oxford (population 150,000), 40% of the population is institutional; in Cambridge (population 125,000), it’s 33%. Campus and city are so intertwined in those places that a plan for one is almost necessarily a plan for the other.

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