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Clara Camarasa

Clara is Energy Efficiency Policy Analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA), as one of the buildings experts her work involves data analysis, capacity building and policy advice for emerging economies in their transition towards net zero carbon, particularly on the buildings sector. She holds a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Chalmers University in Sweden, with postdoctoral research at the UNEP-CCC.


The Energy Efficiency Policy Package: Key Catalyst for Building Decarbonisation and Climate Action

The buildings and construction sectors are key players in the fight against climate change –Combined, they are responsible for 30% of global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector CO2 emissions. Further, energy demand from buildings and construction continues to rise, driven by improved access to energy in developing countries, growing need for air conditioning, greater ownership and use of energy-consuming appliances, and a rapid growth in global floor area. Without targeted policy actions, the energy used in buildings could increase up to around 70% in 2050.