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Andrés Duany

Andrés Duany is an architect whose work focuses on town and regional planning. He and his wife, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, founded their practice in 1980, at the time of their design of the town of Seaside, Florida, which began an ongoing debate on the alternatives to suburban sprawl. They have co-authored three books, Suburban Nation, The New Civic Art, and The Smart Growth Manual.


Arquitectonica and Its Latin American Contribution to Modernism

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Arquitectonica has refuted Koolhaas’ accusation that “Modern architecture had never achieved the promised alchemy of quantity and quality,” and Alistair Gordon’s enormous compendium of the firm’s work certainly disproves it.

But what of Rossi’s backhanded praise: “In America … quantity is quality!”? Although absolutely deserving of praise, the quantity of the work is not the basis for Arquitectonica’s achievement—even when associated with the virtuosity of design. The importance of Arquitectonica derives from certain specific contributions to modern architecture in the United States.

A General Agreement for the Practice of Contemporary Architecture

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

In this week's reprint, author Andrés Duany presents a series of statements from today's architectural world. He considers that these understandings are the product of our times, a direct reaction and a consequence of the observed patterns.