Alison Furuto


UCSF Mission Bay Block 25A Academic Building Competition Winner / WRNS Studio + Rudolph and Sletten, Inc.

UCSF Mission Bay Block 25A Academic Building Competition Winner / WRNS Studio + Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. - Image 15 of 4
Courtesy of WRNS Studio

WRNS Studio and Rudolph and Sletten, Inc., recently won a design/build competition for a new faculty office building at UC San Francisco’s Mission Bay campus, which takes cues from the workplaces of high-tech companies. When completed, the 7-story academic office building will house UCSF physicians, faculty, and students in an interdisciplinary, flexible, light-filled environment. Drawing on the principles of the activity-based workplace, the design gives each occupant a “home base” workstation, but also a variety of other spaces for specific work and social activities, ranging from huddle rooms and breakout areas to conference rooms. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Sukkahville Design Competition Winning Exhibition: 'Hegemonikon' / Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow

Sukkahville Design Competition Winning Exhibition: 'Hegemonikon' / Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow - Image 10 of 4
Courtesy of Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow

As part of the Sukkahville Design Competition in Toronto, organized by the Kehilla Residential Programme, Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow were selected as winners for their ‘Hegemonikon’ exhibition. The seat of the soul which rules and guides all the others, the project is considered to exist within the heart of all living things. The complete development of the human Hegemonikon comprises absolute rationality; it chooses action according to reason. This philosophy was the foundation and inspiration behind the design concept of this project. More images and the designers’ description after the break.

National Museum of Afghanistan Competition Entry / A-001 Taller de Arquitectura + BNKR Arquitectura

National Museum of Afghanistan Competition Entry / A-001 Taller de Arquitectura + BNKR Arquitectura - Image 17 of 4
Courtesy of A-001 Taller de Arquitectura + BNKR Arquitectos

Designed by A-001 Taller de Arquitectura and BNKR Arquitectura, their proposal for the new National Museum of Afghanistan turns to the Afghan people for their version of history. Through an eloquent architectural plan and a daring museographic concept, the integration of a new building into the site in Kabul offers a whole new reading of the Afghan History through its ethnic and archaeological treasures, intertwined with multiple multi-sensory strategies. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Daegu Gosan Library Competition Winning Proposal / Gorka Blas

Daegu Gosan Library Competition Winning Proposal / Gorka Blas - Image 14 of 4
Courtesy of Gorka Blas

The winning proposal in the Daegu Gosan Library competition, by architect Gorka Blas, conceives the library as a cultural and social space for the local community. For this purpose the project focuses in obtaining a functional, attractive and confortable facility that constitutes an essential element for neighborhood´s everyday life. In order to achieve this objective, the project translates the scale of the domestic space to a public facility, without lack of its public dimension. More images and architects’ description after the break.

A.M. Qattan Foundation Bulding Winning Proposal / Donaire Arquitectos

A.M. Qattan Foundation Bulding Winning Proposal / Donaire Arquitectos - Image 2 of 4
Courtesy of Donaire Arquitectos

Last week, Donaire Arquitectos was selected as the winner of the international competition, organized by ArchiFolio, to build the new A.M. Qattan Building, which is a charity that has worked towards the development of culture and education, with a particular focus on children, teachers and young artists. Located in Ramallah, Palestine, the winning proposal for the Quattan Foundation is perceived as a lighthouse bringing enlightenment to the Palestinian people. This role as flagship of Palestinian culture is in need for a recognizable image worthy to represent its social leadership with a physical landmark. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Video: Gardens by the Bay / Grant Associates

Grant Associates shared with us their just released short film of a walk round Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, which recently received the World Building of the Year Award at the World Architecture Festival. One of the largest garden projects of its kind in the world, Andrew Grant, director of UK landscape architects Grant Associates, walks around Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, reflecting on the ideas and inspirations behind the the design of the spectacular Supertrees, Cooled Conservatories and Themed Gardens. The project is an integral part of Singapore’s “City in a Garden” vision, designed to raise the profile of the city globally whilst showcasing the best of horticulture and garden artistry.

Daegu Gosan Public Library Second Prize Winning Proposal / studio SH

Daegu Gosan Public Library Second Prize Winning Proposal / studio SH - Image 12 of 4
Courtesy of studio SH

Most people would imagine libraries being made up of large platforms fully equipped with rows of desks and bookshelves stacked on one another with strict division of programs in the building. However, the second prize winning proposal by Seung Hyun, Yuh and Se Hyeon, Kim from studio SH for the new library typology for Gosan starts by examining and breaking apart this hierarchical inclination. By blurring this strict boundary and providing flexibility in its library program, the ‘White Diamond’ becomes not only a place for exploring knowledge but also a space for meditation with diverse private and public experiences. More images and architects’ description after the break.

modeLab Lattice Lab

modeLab Lattice Lab - Featured Image
Courtesy of modeLab

Lattice Lab is a two-day workshop put on my modeLab, which takes place November 10-11. The lab will focus on the topic of topological/subdivision modeling with paneling tools and weaverbird. In a fast-paced and hands-on learning environment, they will cover fundamental concepts related to working with mesh geometry, high-order topological smoothing, and grid-based modeling. Drawing inspiration from the patterns found in 3-dimensional lattice structures, they will create geometrical units capable of responding to a range of dynamic contexts. Additionally, they will explore the limits and opportunities of 3D printing while testing the visual and structural effects of their lattices. For more information, please visit here.

'Made With Bamboo: Architecture, Arts & Crafts' Event

'Made With Bamboo: Architecture, Arts & Crafts' Event - Featured Image
Courtesy of China Academy of Art

Hosted by the faculties of Architecture and of Inter-Media at the China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou, the ‘Made With Bamboo: Architecture, Arts & Crafts’ event will take place Monday, October 29th at 6:30pm. The aim of this presentation is to grow the appreciation of this wonder grass and the most outstanding architects, designers and craftsmen working with bamboo by celebrating their works. The architecture section concentrates first on structural solutions mainly as developed in Colombia and than on aesthetic solutions. The main emphasis of the arts & crafts section is the exceptional Japanese basketry. More information after the break.

Centerstage: SCI-Arc Graduation Pavilion / Oyler Wu Collaborative

Centerstage: SCI-Arc Graduation Pavilion / Oyler Wu Collaborative - Image 13 of 4
© Dwayne Oyler

Oyler Wu Collaborative was once again asked to design the architecture for SCI-Arc‘s graduation ceremony along with other faculty members. The challenge included rethinking the event of the ceremony while keeping the existing pavilion they had previously designed. Essentially, the challenge called for making the existing pavilion new again. Their stage operates as a hybrid of different elements, incorporating into it a large stage with a central podium, seating that is configured much like a bleacher, and a cantilevered shade canopy. While the center of the actual stage is in alignment with the center of the existing pavilion, the overall structure is positioned asymmetrically, with the bleacher and canopy located off axis. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Cube House / Studio Schiattarella

Cube House / Studio Schiattarella - Image 16 of 4
© Luigi Filetici

Located in Rome’s ‘Olympic Village’, the ‘Cube House’ is laid out as a single unit in which a central element, in the form of a cube, divides and distributes its various functional areas without any interruptions: living, sleeping, cooking and bathing. Designed by Studio Schiattarella, their renovation in the original 49 m2 apartment is designed in a way that all the internal partitions could be eliminated, resulting in the formation of a single open space measuring 7m x 7m. More images and architects’ description after the break.

How to Make It: Implementing Green Practices in Your Designs

How to Make It: Implementing Green Practices in Your Designs - Featured Image
Courtesy of UncommonGoods

If you are considering turning your designs and business practices into a more eco-friendly, deeper shade of green, then we strongly encourage you to attend the ‘Implementing Green Practices in Your Designs’ free event as part of the How to Make it series. Hosted by UncommonGoods, a brooklyn-based online retailer of unique gifts and creative designs, the event includes a panel of design professionals sharing their advice on how to source more eco-friendly materials and how to set up a studio or workspace with little environmental impact. Taking place October 29th from 6:30pm-9:00pm, attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss their product ideas and designs with the buyers and panelists. For more information on the event, please visit here.

Knowledge and Cultural Square Winning Proposal / Mecanoo Architecten + Code Arkitektur + Buro Happold

Knowledge and Cultural Square Winning Proposal / Mecanoo Architecten + Code Arkitektur + Buro Happold - Featured Image
Courtesy of Mecanoo Architecten + Code Arkitektur + Buro Happold

Just this Monday, Kongsberg City Council announced that Mecanoo Architecten, together with Code Arkitektur and Buro Happold, won the design competition for a Knowledge and Cultural Square in the center of Kongsberg, a former mining town about 75 kilometers southwest of Oslo, Norway. The project comprises of a design for a cultural and teaching building totaling approximately 24,000 m², and includes future expansion of other functions, such as student housing, sports facilities and businesses. More images and architects’ description after the break.

Video: the charmer / Jonathan Segal

Breadtruck Films shared with us their seven minute documentary on architect Jonathan Segal‘s ‘the charmer’. The project consists of a 19 unit residential complex in San Diego’s Little Italy neighborhood and recently won a 2012 project of the year award. By building on the tradition of the California courtyard apartments, he shows how architecture can create community and add a little charm to the neighborhood. The outdoor spaces at complex carry just as much importance with Segal as the buildings themselves. He believes that beauty and livability are crucial, and often overlooked, components of environmental design.

Mike Taylor: 'Track Record' Lecture

Mike Taylor: 'Track Record' Lecture - Featured Image
London 2012 Velodrome by Hopkins Architects / © Anthony Palmer

Co-sponsored by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union as part of the program put on by the Architectural League, Mike Taylor of Hopkins Architects will be delivering a lecture on his current work at the Cooper Union in New York. Taking place on Tuesday, October 30th, the leader of the design team for the London 2012 Velodrome, and a senior partner at Hopkins Architects is “guided by deeply-rooted architectural, environmental, and social convictions.” Widely lauded for its elegant carefully engineered form, the Velodrome’s sustainable and flexible design has won awards for its architecture and engineering, as well as its civic presence from the RIBA, the Architects Journal, and the BCI, among others. For more information, please visit here.

Forest Corridor – Highway Noise Barrier / BREAD Studio

Forest Corridor – Highway Noise Barrier / BREAD Studio - Image 2 of 4
Courtesy of BREAD Studio

The ‘Forest Corridor’ proposal has won one of the 2nd prizes (Professional Category) in the Open International Competition for Noise Barrier/Enclosure organized by the Hong Kong Government. Designed by BREAD Studio, the project gives an alternative insight to the noise mitigation structure design in the dense urban environment of the city. More images and architects’ description after the break.

CASALATA Social Habitation + Documentary / Ângelo Lopes, Helena Gomes, Lara Plácido

CASALATA Social Habitation + Documentary / Ângelo Lopes, Helena Gomes, Lara Plácido - Image 5 of 4
© Lara Plácido

Designed by architects Ângelo Lopes, Helena Gomes, and Lara Plácido, the CASALATA (Tin House) project started with a short film in Mindelo, Cape Verde. The film focuses on the issue of the shortage of housing and on the problems that cause suffering in the tin house neighborhoods. The CASALATA film then evolved into a wider project with the intention of providing a viable strategy to improve the housing problems of Cape Verde. The result is an architectural proposal with the potential for effective implementation. More images and architects’ description after the break.

‘Embryonic Canopy’ Exhibition for the Sukkahville Design Competition / Craig Deebank and Gina Gallaugher

‘Embryonic Canopy’ Exhibition for the Sukkahville Design Competition / Craig Deebank and Gina Gallaugher - Image 10 of 4
Courtesy of Craig Deebank and Gina Gallaugher

As part of the Sukkahville Design Competition in Toronto, organized by the Kehilla Residential Programme, Craig Deebank and Gina Gallaugher were selected as one of the finalists for his ‘Embryonic Canopy’ exhibition. The project re-images the Sukkah as both a temporary shelter and permanent fixture within the agricultural ecosystem. It challenges the notion of the traditional static Sukkah while creating a sense of wonder, intrigue and connection to the natural environment. More images and designers’ description after the break.