Passersby marvel at new gaslighting (London, 1809)"A Peep at the Gas-lights in Pall Mall", a humorous caricature of reactions to the installation of the new invention of gas-burning street lighting on Pall-Mall, London. Dialogue in caricature: Well-informed gentleman "The Coals being steam'd produces tar or paint for the outside of Houses -- the Smoke passing thro' water is deprived of substance and burns as you see." Irishman "Arragh honey, if this man bring fire thro water we shall soon have the Thames and the Liffey burnt down -- and all the pretty little herrings and whales burnt to cinders." Rustic bumpkin "Wauns, what a main pretty light it be: we have nothing like it in our Country." Quaker "Aye, Friend, but it is all Vanity: what is this to the Inward Light?" Shady Female "If this light is not put a stop to -- we must give up our business. We may as well shut up shop." Shady Male "True, my dear: not a dark corner to be got for love or money.". Image © Public domain via Wikipedia