This course will look at the mechanisms contained within the most widely used standard forms of contract used in the UK construction industry (JCT and NEC3) where money is required to change hands.
The day is aimed at guiding delegates through a thorough review of the money related provisions, relevant legislation and/or case law that underpins the mechanisms adopted. This course is aimed at practitioners with some knowledge and/or experience in this area to assist them in developing their skills further.
Find out:
How to use/protect retention monies
How to challenge/preserve LAD's
Understand the various mechanisms/default provisions for valuing variations
If you are a construction or commercial lawyer, or a property professional involved in construction payment disputes then this course is for you.
What You Will Learn
The course will cover the following:
Certification - the process and certified duties
Payment - interim and final (and to subcontractors)
Liquidated damages
Claims for money
Construction Contracts - Show Me the MoneyType
October 12, 2016 09:30 AMUntil
October 12, 2016 03:15 PMVenue
Manchester: Venue TBCAddress