Open to architects, designers, engineers and students from November 22-27, this workshop put on my LaN (Live Architecture Network), in collaboration with SOLIDO, is intended to suit a range of levels- those with no Rhinoceros modeling or CNC machining experience will gain experience working with between modeled geometries and designing tool-paths for production. Those with previous experience will have hands-on access to taking their understanding further. Sessions are co-instructed by Solido Founder Filippo Moroni & LaN Co-director Monika Wittig.
The workshop will focus on the potential to design in parallel with CNC fabrication technologies. RhinoCam will allow participants to simulate CNC milling effects in the friendly Rhinoceros environment. Instruction will encourage how to add design value without extending economies of time and material. Participants will be introduced to an array of real world examples where a clear understanding of production parameters has driven design potential. For more detailed information, please visit their website here.