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Video: Agence Chartier-Corbasson Talks Organic Skyscrapers

Video: Agence Chartier-Corbasson Talks Organic Skyscrapers - Image 1 of 4

Video: vPPR on Working in a Male-Dominated Industry

Video: vPPR on Working in a Male-Dominated Industry - Image 1 of 4

Video: Hawkins\Brown Go Underground with Crossrail

Video: Hawkins\Brown Go Underground with Crossrail - Image 1 of 4

Video: Wilkinson Eyre on Architectural Practice Today

Video: Wilkinson Eyre on Architectural Practice Today - Image 1 of 4

Video: Gaetano Pesce on Architecture as Art

Video: Gaetano Pesce on Architecture as Art - Image 1 of 4

In this video from Crane TV, Italian architect and designer Gaetano Pesce talks about his philosophy of art and architecture as an expression of reality. His philosophy raises the question of whether architecture itself should become symbolic of its time and place or express an idea in the way that art often can. Beyond a symbolic nature, Pesce also suggests that architecture could be humorous or act as an extension of artistic expression. “Architecture is the king or queen of the arts,” he says, summarizing his beliefs.

Last week we brought you another video from Crane TV on Vito Acconci, which explored why the goal of architecture is not always a completed building. As another architect who blurs the lines between buildings and art, Pesce’s unbuilt projects are an important tool through which he continually seeks new discoveries to prompt further design innovations.

Video: Sheppard Robson Underlines Importance of Hand Sketching

Video: Sheppard Robson Underlines Importance of Hand Sketching - Image 1 of 4