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Svend Andersen


Arborescence Apartments / WY-TO architects + Crespy & Aumont Architectes

Arborescence Apartments / WY-TO architects + Crespy & Aumont Architectes - More Images+ 43

Angers, France

Light Folds Studio / WY-TO architects

Light Folds Studio / WY-TO architects - Offices Interiors, Beam, Facade, Arch, Door, Table, Lighting, Chair, Bench
© Svend Andersen

Light Folds Studio / WY-TO architects - More Images+ 32

  • Architects: WY-TO architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  70
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Danpal, Placo, Stick lite encapsulate

Systems to Incorporate Natural Lighting in Your Projects

There is nothing more rational than taking advantage of natural lighting as a guarantee to improve the spatial quality of buildings, as well as saving energy. The awareness of the finitude of natural resources and the demands for reducing energy consumption has increasingly diminished the prominence of artificial lighting systems, forcing architects to seek more efficient design solutions. With this goal in mind, different operations have been adopted to capture natural light.

These systems can also guarantee excellent spatial properties if projected correctly. Below we have gathered five essential systems for zenithal lighting.

Lit Up: 16 Projects Illuminated by Skylights

North light, south light, warm light and cool light – the diversity of skylights mean they can illuminate any space. Both a window and a ceiling, the hybrid nature of a skylight enables it to be a key element used in architectural spaces. The cool light of a north skylight is instrumental in creating a space to focus and work, while its south-facing counterpart lights up a space with that golden glow. Through its flexibility also come opportunities for expression, from its shape to its angle. Is a skylight a ribbon weaving through a roof panel? Or is it a series of dotted openings creating a mosaic of daylight on the floor? Check out these 16 examples of contemporary spaces lit by this key element below:

Urban Beat / WY-TO architects

Urban Beat / WY-TO architects - Extension, Facade
© Svend Andersen
Montreuil, France

Urban Beat / WY-TO architects - More Images+ 14