James Woodall

James Woodall is Sustainability Manager at Allies and Morrison. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesdanielwoodall/


Reframing Climate Change as a Local Problem of Global Proportion: 4 Ways Architects can Deliver Change

Reframing Climate Change as a Local Problem of Global Proportion: 4 Ways Architects can Deliver Change - Image 8 of 4
Bankside 123 in London creates new routes, public spaces and retail, with three simple rectilinear buildings set within a permeable public realm designed to reconnect the site with its surroundings. Image Courtesy of Allies & Morrison

The latest UN special report on climate change, released in October 2018, was bleak - perhaps unsurprisingly after a year of recording breaking temperatures, wildfires, floods, and storms. The report, released by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reiterated the magnitude of climate change’s global impact, but shed new light on the problem’s depth and urgency. Climate change is a catastrophe for the world as we know it and will transform it into something that we don’t. And we have just 12 years to prevent it.