Text description provided by the architects. La Cándida is a gated community built at the border of a route that links Buenos Aires to the seaside resorts of the Atlantic coast. The property is axially aligned with an artificial lake, a semicircular portion of land at its extreme west became the area of intervention.
Confronting these conditions the project proposes two simultaneous actions: the augmentation of the lake and the construction of a pavilion isolated in its interior. The two actions intend to invert the inertia of each element in order to become fused with the emergence of an experience specific to this new scenery.
Alongside the programs that configure the building- gym bar and spa- the club house has an integrating vocation that aspires to dissolve the limits of its prints, inviting each individual to increase their relationships where it seems impossible to do so.
Cite: "La Candida’s Club House / Adamo-Faiden" 03 Dec 2010. ArchDaily. Accessed 2 Jan 2025. <https://www.archdaily.com/92519/la-candidas-club-house-adamo-faiden> ISSN 0719-8884
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