The Iakov Chernikhov International Prize for Young Architects recently announced its 2010 laureate, Fantastic Norway, recently featured here on ArchDaily and now we have the complete Top Ten nominee list to share with our readers. Among this group of young and promising architects you will find some outstanding works that will hopefully go a long way to shaping the future of the profession. The complete Top Ten and links to their work after the break.
The prize is given to the young masters of modern architecture according to the order,established by the provisions every two years for the best architectural concept (projects,designs, buildings, experimental works, architectural fantasies and sketches), that combines an innovative response to our time and simultaneously offer a professional challenge to the future. Age requirement is under 44 years.

On the 16th of November 2010 the work of the International Jury, which includes: Odile Decq (France), Stefano Boeri (Italy), Gary Chang (Hong Kong, China), Rudy Ricciotti (France), Georgi Stanishev (Bulgaria), Vyacheslav Glazychev (Russia), Andrey Chernikhov (Russia) has finished. The Jury examined the works of 133 nominees from 25 countries. Norwegian team “Fantastic Norway” , represented by Håkon Matre Aasarød and Erlend Blakstad Haffner, has become this year’s laureate.
The Top Ten List includes:

Nikita Asadov, Russia
Jean-Christophe Quinton, Quinton-architect, France

Alejandro Aravena, Chile

Ronald Rietveld, the Netherlands

Paisajes Emergentes, Edgar Mazo, Sebastian Meiía, Luis Callejas, Colombia

L.E.FT, Makram El Kadi, Ziad Jamaleddine, USA-Lebanon

standardarchitecture, Zhang Ke, Zhang Hong, Claudia Taborda, China

Decolonizing Architecture, Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, Eyal Weizman, Israel

Feld 72, Anne Catherine Fleith, Michael Obrist, Mario Paintner, Richard Scheich, Peter Zoderer, Austria

The Laureate (Fantastic Norway)will receive a reward of 50 000 EUR and silver medal with the image of the stamp of “Scientific research laboratory of architectural forms (and methods of graphic arts)” established by Iakov Chernikhov. The award ceremony will take place in Moscow in spring 2011.