The Modmin has been a go-to for quality videos and tutorials on architectural drawing and sketching. Their newest video tackles a drawing fundamental: the ability to draw a straight line. For many seasoned architects, this is a skill that they mastered long ago. But if you are just starting out, or if you've been hiding behind your computer's ability to consistently draw straight lines, then this hack is for you.
Referring to the first tip in Matthew Frederick's 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, Themodmin's Umar shares an exercise he was taught for achieving straight lines.
Step 1: Draw a dot

Step 2: Mark destination of line

Step 3: Place your pen on the dot

Step 4: (MOST IMPORTANT STEP) Make sure your eye is on the destination mark

Step 5: Push the pen towards your eye

Step 6: Keep practicing until you're a pro