Architecture students have long groaned (or bragged) about the long hours and all-night work sessions demanded by their chosen major. Surely, we’ve all thought, no other major must be working this hard – right?
Now, thanks to the results of Indiana University's National 2016 Study of Student Engagement (NSSE), those assertions have been backed up with some numbers: architecture students were found to work an average of 22.2 hours per week, more than 2.5 hours more than any other major.
The numbers in the study represent the average amount of time spent preparing for class each week, including studying, reading, writing, and doing homework or lab/studio work.
The numbers, shared by Indiana University to The Tab, were gathered from student surveys conducted over the past year, and include freshmen and seniors.
Following architecture, engineering and physics were found to be the majors with the highest time requirements, while parks, rec, sports and leisure management demanded the least out-of-class time, at around 11 hours per week.
Check out the list shared with The Tab below, and visit the NSSE website to read through the report in full.