Archifutures Vol. 1: The Museum presents the last chapter of the first Future Architecture cycle and is the first part of a new three-volume field guide to the future of architecture. The collection maps contemporary architectural practice and urban planning, presented through the words and ideas of some of its key players and change-makers. From institutions, activists, thinkers, curators and architects to urban bloggers, polemicists, critics and publishers, these are the people shaping tomorrow’s architecture and cities – and thereby helping to shape our societies of the future as well.

This first volume of Archifutures, The Museum, launched at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale on November 15, 2016, includes thought pieces, essays, interviews, and discussions – in both words and pictures – between founder members of the Future Architecture Platform. Steering the dialogue on the contemporary role of these institutional bodies are current practitioners and thinkers including Socks Studio, Nick Axel, Léa-Catherine Szacka, and Ana Dana Beroš.

A particular highlight of the book is a “collage conversation,” a visual dialogue between Superstudio co-founder Cristiano Toraldo di Francia and Guillermo Lopez of MAIO, with some images specially commissioned for the publication.

In the soon-to-be-released subsequent volumes of Archifutures, The Studio and The Site, the editorial team of &beyond present a thoughtful selection of the theories and projects shaping the “future of architecture” today. They will include contributions from Jack Self, Leopold Lambert, Manon Mollard, Something Fantastic, Amateur Cities, Merve Bedir, Urbz and many more.

All three volumes are the starting point of a forthcoming digital platform that will function as a live repository of FA platform contributions and experiences, allowing both participants and readers to arrange and print on demand their own personal compilations, enabling them to intervene with the material and its dissemination as well.

The Archifutures books are conceived, edited and designed by &beyond and published by dpr-barcelona.
Archifutures books available at the Future Architecture platform member bookshops, specialized bookshops, museum bookshops, libraries, and the most important web sites dedicated to book distribution. Stay tuned to the upcoming Archifutures website!
Price: 24€
208 pages with full colour illustrations
ISBN: 978-84-944873-6-1
&beyond is an international and transdisciplinary collective of editors, writers and graphic designers founded in Berlin in 2016. Comprising the editorial and graphics team that brought you uncube, &beyond specializes in understanding and implementing next level publishing and brings together not only experience and expertise, but a worldwide network of collaborators.