Are you proud of your resume? Not for what's contained in it—that part is super important, don't get us wrong—but for how it's visually presented and designed? Following the success of our business cards for architects post, we want our readers to share their innovative, eye-catching, well-formulated resumes (also called CVs, depending on where you live/work).
If you think your resume has what it takes to be featured in a top-10 list, then send it over!
Rules & Guidelines:
- Only send your resume/CV if you are comfortable with it being shared online. We encourage you to modify the information to make it more generic (i.e. change the name to John or Jane Doe).
- We are not looking for resumes/CVs with impressive content. Did you go to medical school, then become an architect and then go to law school? All while juggling internships at Norman Foster, Frank Gehry and Rem Koolhaas' offices? That's awesome, but it's not what we're looking for.
- Design must be submitted as a .jpg/.png/.pdf/.gif
- Design must be original and suitable for publication on ArchDaily.
- All entries must be received by May 11, 12:00pm EST.
- You may submit more than one entry.
- We will publish a selection of our favorite submissions.
How to share a link to your submission:
In the form below, please submit a link to the .jpg/.png/.pdf version of your resume. We will not accept submissions as zip files, nor do we accept submissions sent via WeTransfer, MegaUpload, or a similar service. Any entry submitted as a zip file or using a file transfer service will not be considered. If you are sharing a file that has been uploaded to Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Imgur or Google Drive, please ensure that you are sharing a public link that can be accessed by ArchDaily editors.
How to share a file using Dropbox
How to share a file using Google Drive
How to share a file using Imgur
How to share a file using Microsoft OneDrive
Main image via Shutterstock.com