BPD Marignan and XTU Architects, in association with SNI Group and MU Architecture, have won the Réinventer.Paris competition for Paris Rive Gauche site M5A2. The winning project, called In Vivo, seeks to “[promote] social mix and openness between citizens and [integrate] nature into cities, to achieve a fairer, more sustainable, and resilient city,” through three buildings for humans, and one to raise earthworms for vermicomposting of inhabitants’ organic waste.

The three main buildings, the Tree House, Plant House, and Algo House, will host 13,000 square meters of housing for students and young researchers, 1,200 square meters of publicly available space, a 255 square meter alternative café, and more than 2,000 square meters for vegetable and other gardens.

Furthermore, the Algo House will feature a biofaçade with photobioreactors—biological solar panels—that will generate microalgae cultures for medical research. This biofaçade will additionally “allow the building to use the heat collected by the photobioreceptors for domestic hot water and heating, causing energy consumption to drop below 48kWh/square meter per year, as part of the Plan Climat de Paris.”

The design also includes La Paillasse, a 1,000 square meter laboratory space for any residents, entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, or otherwise, to participate in collaborative processed under the guidance of the Centre Michel Serres, Toits Vivants (living roofs), Vergers Urbains (urban gardens), the Collectif Babylone, Mon P’ti Viosinage, and Le Mur.

Learn more about the project here.
BPD Marignan, MU Architects, XTU ArchitectsLocation
Rue Jean Antoine de Baïf, 75013, FrancePhotographs
News via XTU Architects.