After receiving over 600 projects from all over the world, a panel of architecture journalists and critics has selected the 50 shortlisted projects for the Wienerberger Brick Award 2016. The biannual architectural award is presented to outstanding examples of modern and innovative brick architecture.
Among the 2016 shortlisted projects are Sharon Davis Design’s Women’s Opportunity Center, Ateliers Jean Nouvel + MDW Architecture’s Police Headquearters & Charleroi Danses, O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects’ LSE Saw Hock Student Centre, BC Architects’ Library of Muyinga and Frank Gehry’s Dr Chau Chak Wing Building.

The award comprises five categories: Residential Use, Public Use, Re-Use, Urban Infill and Special Solution. From this shortlist an international jury of architects will select the winners in the single categories. The full shortlist can be viewed here.

The Award acknowledges innovative brick buildings of international quality that show the varied and diverse ways brick can be used in contemporary architecture. At the same time, the award, and in particular the accompanying architectural book, gives people with an interest in architecture as well as experts an overview of current developments and trends in international brick architecture with its remarkable range of applications.

Assessment criteria include innovative exterior design and skillful use of brick as a material, along with functionality, sustainability and energy efficiency. Possible applications range from building solutions with clay blocks and facing bricks to the creative use of ceramic façade panels, roof tiles and clay pavers. Special attention is directed to how the building blends in with the surroundings as well as to the form, aesthetics and general quality of the architecture. The use of Wienerberger products is no necessary condition of participation. The award is endowed with prize money of 7,000 EUR for one Grand Prize Winner (incl. Category Winner) and 5,000 EUR for each Category Winner.

The jury comprises internationally renowned architects:
- Laura Andreini, Archea Associati, Italy
- Johan Anrys, 51N4E, Belgium
- Matija Bevk, bevk perovic arhitekti, Slovenia
- Alfred Munkenbeck, Munkenbeck + Partners, UK

As in the past years, Wienerberger together with the prestigious Callwey Publishing House will produce the comprehensive book entitled “Brick ’16”, featuring all 50 nominated and award-winning projects. This beautifully designed book will be published at the time of the official Brick Award ceremony in May 2016.

Learn more: http://www.brickaward.com