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6 Shortlisted for U.S. Embassy Project in Brasília


In June, the Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) released a call for architects interested in designing a New Embassy Compound (NEC) in Brasília, Brazil's federal capital. Of the 48 firms deemed eligible to compete, 6 practices have been shortlisted to move on to the second and final stage of the international competition.

These 6 shortlisted teams include: 

The (up to) $350 million design-bid-build project will be located on a 4.86 hectares (12 acres) site near the seat of the Brazilian Government within the city's planned "Diplomatic Sector." Its architect will be charged with designing all the new facilities for the NEC, as well as rebuilding the surrounding compound area to include space for the Chancery, General Services Office and Support buildings, Marine Security Guard Quarters, a warehouse, parking structures, utility building, recreation facilities, and screening facilities.

All proposals will take in considering the site's conditions, the city planning context and the architectural significance of Brasilia as a 1956 urban planned city and now UNESCO World Heritage Site.

About this author
Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "6 Shortlisted for U.S. Embassy Project in Brasília" 24 Sep 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 22 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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