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Travel Through 115 Years of U.S. Residential Architecture in this Interactive Infographic by iMove


Moving specialists iMove have created 115 Years of American Homes, a Scrolling Parallax Infographic in which viewers can “drive” through a neighborhood of single-family homes that reflect the style of their respective decades. For each home, graphics detail “tell-tale architectural features, design trends, average home price, and the historical and cultural context” of each decade from the 1900s through the present. Test out the interactive timeline here, and let us know: which decade of residential architecture is your favorite?

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Cite: Sabrina Santos. "Travel Through 115 Years of U.S. Residential Architecture in this Interactive Infographic by iMove" 28 Jun 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 24 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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