Here’s the third proposal by Rocco Design Architects Limited for the West Kowloon Cultural District (be sure to view OMA’s proposal and Foster + Partners’ proposal previously featured on AD). Rocco’s concept, entitled ”Cultural Connect: Key to Sustained Vitality,” started with two basic questions - Have we ever wondered why we are fascinated by Qing Ming Riverside? And, why exactly do we want a West Kowloon Cultural Dsitrict. Using these questions are a starting point, the proposal seeks to design a place where different groups of people can enjoy different activities “in the same space and at the same time.”
More about the proposal including images after the break.
The plan intends to “create this energy which is conducive to a spirit of exploration and discovery,” explained the architects. Their plan is appreciated as the layers unfold. Rather than creating iconic monuments, the plan celebrates the common places and spaces “breaking the District’s isolation by forging connections with the community in different directions.”

The plan is designed to establish an un-impeded cultural field to ensure fluidity and connectivity between the different art and cultural forms. ”Ultimately this would bring about not just flashes of brilliance, but long-term and sustained vitality,” added the architects.

After seeing the three plans, which do you find most successful?

As seen on Bustler.