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We're Collecting the Best Studio Projects from Universities Worldwide - Submit Your Work!


It's graduation time. As universities around the globe - or at least most in the Northern hemisphere, where over 80% of the world's universities are located - come to the end of the academic year, many university architecture studios have recently closed out the construction of pavilions, installations and other small educational projects. At ArchDaily, we've already received a number of submissions from students and professors who would like to see their studio's work reach a larger audience, such as the example above from Cornell University's "A Journey Into Plastics" seminar, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's studio project completed with the assistance of Marcus Prizewinner Sou Fujimoto (more on that project here). But we're interested in doing something more.

Cornell University Student's inflatable pavilion, the result of Lorena Del Río's "A Journey Into Plastics" seminar. Image Courtesy of Lorena Del Río / Cornell University Department of Architecture

With students graduating in so many different countries and their work influenced by so many different cultures, we think now is the perfect time* to take the pulse of the next generation of architects from all over the world by presenting the best of these submissions together in one post. That's why, together with all of ArchDaily en Español and with ArchDaily Brasil, we're reaching out to our readers to submit their projects, so that we can present the best work from graduating students worldwide.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's "faBRICK" installation, a result of the studio led by Mo Zell and Marcus Prizewinner Sou Fujimoto. Image Courtesy of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Architecture

Please use the form below to submit a Google Drive Folder containing images and a brief description of your project. Submissions close on Monday, June 15th at 12:00pm ET (Update: Submissions are now open until Monday, June 22nd at 12:00pm ET!)


  • Projects must be real-life construction projects (no unbuilt proposals).
  • Projects must have involved the work of students, and have been undertaken for educational purposes.
  • Projects must have been completed in the most recent graduation period for your country.
  • Submissions should be through Google Drive only.
  • Please set the permissions of the Google Drive Folder to "Anyone with the link can edit"
  • Images should be in jpeg or png format, and text in a Google Doc or Microsoft Word.
  • Please do not upload zipped files. We would like to be able to review your work online, without downloading.
  • Submissions that do not conform to these rules will not be considered for publication.


  • Individual images of your project are preferable to presentation boards.
  • We expect a high volume of submissions, so please make your written explanation as concise as possible.
  • Unless stated otherwise, we will attribute images as "courtesy of" the submitter. If your images should be attributed otherwise, please include a contact sheet in the folder with the necessary copyright details.

* With apologies to readers in the Southern hemisphere, many of whom graduated over six months ago - we would still love to see your completed projects!

About this author
Cite: Rory Stott. "We're Collecting the Best Studio Projects from Universities Worldwide - Submit Your Work!" 08 Jun 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

Cornell University Student's inflatable pavilion, the result of Lorena Del Río's "A Journey Into Plastics" seminar. Image Courtesy of Lorena Del Río / Cornell University Department of Architecture

我们正在全球大学收集最佳工作室项目 - 请提交你的项目

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