In January, Angelov’s provocative idea for a second circulation lane, which allowed bicycles to travel across steel wires, sparked quite a debate. Angelov has branched off this initial idea to form a new concept for urban transportation. Kolelinio takes the wire system found in the Kolelinia experiment to a new level by creating a seemingly part ski-lift part roller coaster line that will zip people around the city. The proposal offers a fresh outlook on weightless transportation that can be implemented now, instead of waiting for the depletion of petroleum before finding a greener way.
A great video and more about the project after the break.
The project divides the city into a car zone and a car-free zone, with interchange points surrounding the car-free zone for users to switch to their Kolelinio. A network of wire lines not only transports people to major drop off zones, but also allows users to be dropped off at interstitial spaces like certain intersections that would be elevated on platforms.
The line changes heights based on the ground condition. For instance, in a dense traffic zone, the line is elevated quite high off the ground, and it returns to ground level after bypassing the crowded intersections.

This radical idea illustrates Angelov’s recurring fascination with transportation and his intent to challenge the notion of a contemporary city. This step marks a new stage of development for the idea, and while there are details that still need to be worked out, one can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to zip around his city, getting a new perspective on the urban environment while quickly avoiding any vehicular congestion.