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Annual Architecture at Zero Design Competition Winners Announced


Recently, the Architecture at Zero design competition, sponsored by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, came to a close. Open to a variety of fields and skill levels, the competition challenged entrants to create a zero net energy (ZNE) design specific to an Oakland-based site run by the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC). ZNE buildings maintain equal amounts of energy input and output annually, and thus function as independent sustainable units, making them a smart solution when considering future impact.

View the winners after the break.

Annual Architecture at Zero Design Competition Winners Announced - More Images+ 1

As awareness and technological capabilities in energy-efficient design have increased, so have the standards of our governing bodies. In California’s case, an earlier annual report from the California Public Utility Commission set a lofty goal in terms of efficiency: a ZNE standard for new residential buildings by 2020 and commercial buildings by 2030. In an effort to make this objective a reality, Architecture at Zero inspires designers to not only consider the aesthetic and cultural qualities of their individual designs, but also the long-term goals they may achieve as fibers within the broader fabric of the built environment. Reflecting on this year’s submissions, Sherry-Lea Bloodworth Botop of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Foundation commented, “The winning designs are not only aesthetically interesting, but create ZNE spaces that help EBALDC continue its leadership in driving community change through innovative design solutions.”

Although this year was only the fourth anniversary of the competition, the results of Architecture at Zero are already making significant strides with energy-efficient design within California, and those involved are hopeful their efforts will inspire a change in the way the architectural sector approaches the design process.

Merit Award - Student entry: Gateway Residences / Eric Blowers, Jaclein Ely, David Merlo, Kathryn Husar, Peter Lukacs, and Keelan Kaiser (Judson University)

Gateway Residences. Image Courtesy of Architecture at Zero

Merit Award - Student entry: The Wave / Elias Mohr Jensen, Jonas Snedevind Nielsen, and Henrik Jacobsen (University of Aalborg)

The Wave. Image Courtesy of Architecture at Zero

Honor Award: Embracing Limits / Le Pham, Mai Tran, and Hung Dang (3r studio)

Embracing Limits. Image Courtesy of Architecture at Zero

Honor Award: Symbiosis / Rocio Carvajo Lucena, Sergio Carretero Gomez, Josiane Crampé, and Geoffrey Diackiw

Symbiosis. Image Courtesy of Architecture at Zero

Special Recognition Award: Flourish / Katie Felver, Nathan Burton, Artur Grochowski, Jodi Hanson, Matt Piccone, Jeffrey Maas, Brian Goldsmith, Mark Perepelitza, Jeff Roberts, Lisa Petterson, Chris Lowen, and James Thomas (SERA & Glumac)

Flourish. Image Courtesy of Architecture at Zero

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About this author
Cite: Holly Giermann. "Annual Architecture at Zero Design Competition Winners Announced" 06 Jan 2015. ArchDaily. Accessed 28 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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