With all the sustainable and recycled projects, it is always fun to feature one that incorporates a material being used differently from its intended use, which we haven’t seen before. Of course, we can discuss whether the repetition of a recycled element categorizes it as a piece of architecture, yet, no matter our standing on that, we should agree that the pallets’ new function provides a surprisingly nice touch on the home’s exterior (especially with respect to the night time images). The home, entitled Pallet house is the creation of two students from the University of Vienna, and as the name suggests, reuses pallets to form a modular, energy efficient and affordable housing. The idea stemmed from a competition back in 2008, which the duo took first for, and now the homes have been exhibited in several European cities including Venice, Vienna, Linz and Grenoble. Currently in South Africa, the home costs 11USD per sq foot and could become a clever approach to low income housing.
More images after the break.

As seen on designboom