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India’s Most Successful Architect: Improving India's Slums or Exacerbating Social Gaps?


"The Indian poor live in perpetual darkness, while the Indian rich live in perpetual light." This fact is obviously embedded in Mumbai, where luxury condominiums rise in the middle of slums. Many of these extravagant buildings were designed by India's most commercially successful architect, Hafeez Contractor, who believes his arrestive work is the beginning of slum redevelopment. Learn about his crusade and how he's been criticized in this New York Times article by Daniel Brook.

About this author
Cite: Jennifer Whelan. "India’s Most Successful Architect: Improving India's Slums or Exacerbating Social Gaps?" 29 Jun 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 15 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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