In the spring of this year, Malmo will receive a series of passive houses designed by Kjellgren Kaminsky in collaboration with the local builder Hölleviksnäs förvaltning. The winning proposal included 4 apartments where the units could be combined with a small store or office, a public micro park or roof top greenery. “Architecturally we aim to create a small scale and diverse formal language, in harmony with both the surrounding houses and the future tenants,” explained the architects.
More about the homes after the break.
The houses will become a model for sustainability as they include solar panels, exterior venetian blinds that allow winter sun to enter and the building while the summer sun is reduced, environmentally friendly building materials and recycled materials, and water taps that are designed for minimal consumption.
The homes will be extremely well-insulated and they will be heated by the energy already provided in the building, namely through the users and any household equipment.
The homes are clad in different cladding materials, either plaster, fiber cement boards and wood, so each unit has its own individualitity. “The houses are linked by giving them a similar detailing, which also gives the buildings their human scale and unique expression.”
All images courtesy of Kjellgren Kaminsky