Sauerbruch Hutton was announced first prize winner for their design of a new home for Hamburg’s Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt/BSU (Office for Urban Development and Environment). The new colorful BSU building will be erected in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg and is slated for completion in 2013.
More images and more about the project after the break.
The building consists of one high rise and two wing buildings, with the public BSU facilities such as exhibition areas and restaurants, located on the street level floors. A central lobby will house the exhibition of Hamburg’s urban model which will be highly visible through the large glass facade.

The building’s concept is structured in seven separate ‘houses’. These houses are connected via an access ‘road’ that has its own open staircase atrium which enhances easy orientation, efficient vertical access, good distribution of natural light into interior spaces, and natural cross-ventilation.

The building combines passive and active measures, like thermal insulation, cross-ventilation, sun-powered heating, and energy harvested from geothermal and solar equipment, as a way to minimize energy consumption.

As seen on Bustler.