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Anonymous Benefactor Saves the David and Gladys Wright House


Christmas has come early for the international community of architects and preservationists, as an anonymous benefactor has saved the endangered David and Gladys Wright House in Phoenix, Arizona. Culminating a six month saga, the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy is proud to announce that it has facilitated the purchase of the historic property through an LLC owned by an anonymous benefactor. The transaction closed today, December 20, and is no longer a demolition threat.

The Wright home will now be transferred to the hands of an Arizona not-for-profit organization responsible for the restoration, maintenance and operation of the structure. The change in ownership guarantees the house will survive and be preserved. Landmark status is expected to follow shortly.

More information on the David Wright House after the break…

The mid-twentieth century home was originally designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright for his son David and his wife Gladys. It is the only residence by the world-famous architect that utilizes a circular spiral plan similar to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, whose construction followed it by six years. Several architectural historians and architecture critics believe it to be an integral part of modern architecture history and Phoenix’s architectural legacy, as it is among the most significant Wright buildings.

© Scott Jarson

Check out our previous coverage for more information and images.

© Scott Jarson

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Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Anonymous Benefactor Saves the David and Gladys Wright House " 20 Dec 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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