Panavision, the Uruguay exhibit for the 13th Venice Biennale, features the works of the new generation of Uruguayan architects, using their Pavilions as a common ground, a place rather than an exhibit, where the focuses, approaches, tools, worries, emphasis and strategies of these practices converge. More details from the curators after the break:
La Biennale is understood as a common ground where, in a limited period of time, many of the most relevant architecture practices of the international scene are concentrated. In this sense, the national pavilions operate as voids, as possible windows through which to display their own worlds in the common global ground of the different editions of the exhibition. Faced this scenario, Panavision is proposed as a platform for a set of Uruguayan architectural firms that have been responsible for the significant production and solid practices.

As is well known, the practice of architecture is primarily the ability to imagine possible futures that take their leave from the project. Thus Panavision arises precisely as the possibility to think about a common future together from different approaches, a future that is an opportunity to imagine a new building to represent Uruguay to the rest of the world.

The exhibition therefore emerges as the construction of the place where these individual practices are pooled together from the architect’s ability to express and convey ideas through an architectural project. Consequently Panavision, more than an exhibition, should be taken as a place where gazes, approaches, tools, multiple concerns, and emphasis are made to converge which is currently shaping the agenda of the architecture in Uruguay.

- g+, formed by the Architects Marcelo Gualano and Martin Gualano;
- 11:54 p.m, under the charge of Horacio Flora and Alejandro Baptista Acerenza;
- Bednarik + Mirabal, formed by Marcelo Bednarik and Federico Mirabal;
- MBAD, led by Mario Báez and Adrián Duran;
- Fábrica de Paisaje, where Diego Pérez, Fabio Ayerra, Marcos Castaings, Martín Cobas and Javier Lanza collaborate;
- MAAM, formed by the architects Matías Carballal, Andrés Gobba and Mauricio López
With this in mind, the curational team convened six architectural firms to image a new pavilion to represent Uruguay in Venice. The venue thus becomes a “space mirror”, a venue for representing the represented – a dialogue between the pavilion, its past, its present in the exhibition, and six possible views of its own future (which are in and of themselves six distinct points of view).
Ideas at work often arise from a brief conversation, a few lines sketched on a notepad, that moment when you first come to an agreement. These are the reasons why Panavision is more than simply the presentation of a series of images of buildings: it is the place where the moment of creation, the future approached from diverse perspectives, can be shared and becomes a project.

Commissioner: Daniela Freiberg Curational team: vostokproject Curator: Pedro Livni Aldabalde Deputy Curator: Gonzalo Carrasco Purull
Assistants: Gustavo Rinchero, Patricia Méndez, Federico Lapeyre
With the support of: MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture – Uruguay), FARQ – UdelaR (Architecture School – University of the Republic – Uruguay), MRREE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Uruguay), Uruguayan Embassy in Rome
Exhibitors: Marcelo Gualano, Martin Gualano, Horacio Flora, Alejandro Baptista, Marcelo Bednarik, Federico Mirabal, Mario Baez, Adrian Duran, Fabio Ayerra, Marcos Castaings, Martin Cobas, Javier Lanza, Diego Pérez, Marías Carballal, Andrés Goba, Mauricio López.