Building: Inside Studio Gang Architects, is the first solo exhibition dedicated to the work of Studio Gang, which will be on view at the Art Institute of Chicago until February 24, 2013. The show immerses visitors in the energy of the studio’s creative process and the stream of ideas that connects its growing body of work. More images and information on the exhibition after the break.
In the exhibition’s main gallery space, visitors are invited to explore thirteen recent SGA projects through a variety of two- and three-dimensional materials chosen by Art Institute curators Zoë Ryan and Karen Kice. Clustered at the center of the gallery are five “Rope Room” installations custom designed and constructed by Studio Gang.

In the exhibit’s “Workshop” room, full-scale mock ups, material experiments, tools, books, pin-up boards, and a wall of construction drawings give visitors a look into the studio’s working method—how ideas are made realities through research, collaboration, and hands-on investigation. Two “Archi-Salon” events will be held here that bring together architects and the public for conversations on current issues in architecture and connected fields.

For more information on the exhibition, please visit here.