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Neil M. Denari Architects Wins New Keelung Harbor Service Building

Courtesy of New Keelung Harbor Service Building Competition Website

Neil M. Denari Architects has been announced as winner of a two-stage, international competition for the new Keelung Harbor Service Building in Taiwan’s major port city, Keelung. The Los Angeles based practice’s complex, metal-clad terminal was selected over four other competitive schemes provided by the remaining shortlisted teams.

The competition called for a modern passenger and cargo terminal, transfer station, a maritime art plaza, a joint office building and parking structure that would serve as a new “Gateway to the Nation” within the context of the densely built harbor town. The construction of this multi-billion dollar renewal project is expected to accelerate the development of the surrounding areas and promote local prosperity of the region, while improving the quality of services for passengers and cargo.

The jury included Aaron Betsky and Michael Speaks, along with Taiwanese architects and professionals Tsai Yuan-Liang, Jin Guan-Yu, Su Yu-Jer, Wan Ming-Hen, and Wei Si-Jen.

We will provide more details of the design as they become available. In the meantime, check out some snapshots of the winning proposal after the break.

Reference: Architect Magazine, Bustler

Competition Model via Michael Speaks
Competition Model via Michael Speaks

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Cite: Karissa Rosenfield. "Neil M. Denari Architects Wins New Keelung Harbor Service Building" 19 Sep 2012. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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